
Day: 5 September 2023

off grid solar system - Wooden house with Solar panels on Roof
Solar System
Off Grid Solar System in South Africa – A Comprehensive Guide

Off-Grid Solar System in South Africa – A Comprehensive Guide


In a nation blessed with abundant sunshine and a growing focus on sustainability, off-grid solar systems have emerged as a powerful and practical solution to address South Africa’s energy challenges. If you’re considering breaking free from the constraints of the grid and embracing the benefits of self-reliant energy generation, this comprehensive guide on how to setup a off-grid solar system in South Africa is your roadmap to energy independence.

Why Off-Grid Solar Systems Matter

  1. Energy Independence: Off-grid solar systems allow homeowners and businesses to generate their electricity, reducing dependence on the often unreliable grid. This energy independence ensures uninterrupted power supply.
  2. Cost Savings: By harnessing the sun’s energy, off-grid systems can lead to significant long-term cost savings, as you no longer need to rely solely on grid electricity.
  3. Environmental Impact: Off-grid solar systems produce clean and renewable energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to a more sustainable South Africa.

Components of an Off-Grid Solar System

To understand how off-grid solar systems work, it’s essential to know the key components that make up the system:

  1. Solar Panels: Solar panels capture sunlight and convert it into electricity. High-quality solar panels are vital for maximizing energy generation.
  2. Charge Controller: The charge controller regulates the flow of electricity from the solar panels to the batteries. It prevents overcharging and ensures the batteries remain in good condition.
  3. Battery Bank: Batteries store excess energy generated during the day for use at night or on cloudy days. Choosing the right battery type and capacity is crucial for system performance.
  4. Inverter: The inverter converts DC (direct current) electricity from the solar panels and batteries into AC (alternating current) electricity used in homes and businesses.
  5. Backup Generator (Optional): In areas with prolonged periods of low sunlight, a backup generator can provide supplementary power to keep the system running.

Designing Your Off-Grid Solar System

When designing an off-grid solar system for South Africa, several factors must be considered:

  1. Energy Consumption: Calculate your daily energy needs to determine the size of your system. Consider the number and types of appliances and devices you’ll be powering.
  2. Location: South Africa’s climate varies from region to region. Your location will affect the number of sunlight hours and energy generation potential. Solar panels should be strategically placed to capture the maximum sunlight.
  3. Battery Capacity: Choose the right battery capacity to ensure you have enough stored energy to meet your needs during cloudy days or at night. Battery autonomy is essential.
  4. Inverter Type: Select an inverter that matches your system’s voltage and capacity requirements. Pure sine wave inverters are ideal for sensitive electronics and appliances.
  5. Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the system operates efficiently. Batteries, in particular, require periodic checks and maintenance.

Benefits of Off-Grid Solar Systems

  1. Uninterrupted Power Supply: Off-grid systems provide reliable electricity even during grid outages or load shedding events.
  2. Cost Savings: By generating your electricity, you can reduce or eliminate monthly electricity bills, making off-grid solar a cost-effective option in the long run.
  3. Energy Independence: With an off-grid system, you’re in control of your energy production, reducing reliance on the grid and its associated challenges.


Off-grid solar systems are a transformative solution for South Africans seeking energy independence, cost savings, and a more sustainable way of living. With careful planning, the right components, and regular maintenance, you can harness the power of the sun. This will provide your electricity needs, even in remote or underserved areas.

Embrace the future of energy in South Africa with off-grid solar systems. As the nation continues to invest in renewable energy and sustainability, off-grid solar systems empower individuals . Allowing communities to contribute to a greener and more resilient energy future.

reduce electricity costs - Woman screwing in light bulb
15 Ways to Reduce Electricity Costs During the Energy Crisis in South Africa (2023)


As South Africa grapples with its ongoing energy crisis, finding ways to reduce electricity costs has become a top priority for many households. The frequent occurrences of load shedding, particularly the dreaded stage 6 load shedding, have left South Africans searching for solutions to keep their energy bills in check. In this article, we will explore practical and effective strategies to lower electricity costs while addressing the country’s energy challenges. With a focus on energy efficiency and renewable solutions, we’ll guide you through cost-saving measures that can make a real difference in your home.

reduce electricity costs - Energy saving flurecent light bulbs

1) Embrace Energy-Efficient Lighting

Start by replacing outdated incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient LED bulbs. LED bulbs consume significantly less energy and have a longer lifespan, making them a wise investment for any South African household. By making this simple switch, you can significantly reduce your electricity consumption and cut down on lighting costs.

reduce electricity costs - Woman setting washmachine setting in kitchen

2) Optimize Energy Usage for Appliances

Household appliances such as washing machines, tumble dryers, and dishwashers can consume substantial amounts of energy. To lower electricity bills, try to run these appliances during off-peak hours or when load shedding is not expected. Additionally, consider using cold water for laundry whenever possible, as heating water accounts for a massive portion of electricity consumption.

reduce electricity costs - Woman staring out of apartment window

3) Embrace Natural Light

Make the most of natural light during the day by opening curtains and blinds. By relying less on artificial lighting, you can decrease your energy usage and enjoy the benefits of sunlight. In addition, using daylight as your primary light source can create a warm and inviting atmosphere in your home.

reduce electricity costs - Solar Panels on Roof of Home

4) Harness Solar Power

Solar energy is a major source of renewable power that South Africans can tap into. Consider installing solar panels and solar systems to generate electricity for your household. Not only will this significantly reduce your dependence on the grid, but it will also lead to substantial cost savings, eventually. Virtual Sense offers a range of high-quality solar batteries, solar panels, inverters, and entire solar systems that can help you harness the power of the sun effectively.

reduce electricity costs - Airvent and cooling system on building roof top

5) Optimize Heating and Cooling

Heating to keep homes warm is a major contributor to electricity bills, especially during the winter months. To reduce heating costs, consider investing in a solar heater or using hot water bottles to keep warm. When it comes to cooling, use ceiling fans instead of air conditioners whenever possible. In addition, modernize your home by installing smart thermostats that allow you to control temperature settings and optimize energy consumption.

reduce electricity costs - Two men installing solar panels on roof

6) Unplug and Manage Phantom Loads

Many appliances and electronic devices continue to consume lesser amounts of energy, even when they are turned off or on standby. To eliminate these phantom loads, use power strips that can be easily switched off when not in use. By doing so, you’ll prevent unnecessary energy loss and reduce your electricity costs.

reduce electricity costs - Child sitting infront of a fan with wind blowing her hair

7) Opt for Energy-Efficient Appliances

When it’s time to replace household appliances, opt for energy-efficient models. Look for appliances with high energy-efficiency ratings, as they consume less power while performing the same tasks. From refrigerators to electric heaters, choosing energy-efficient options can result in significant long-term savings.

reduce electricity costs - Connected multiplug

8) Cook Smart

Cooking is another area where you can make a noticeable difference in your energy consumption. Utilize pressure cookers and gas stove-top cooking, as they consume less energy compared to conventional stove plates and ovens. By being mindful of your cooking methods, you can lower your electricity bills without sacrificing flavour or quality.

reduce electricity costs - Appliances grouped with A to G rating

9) Maintain Your Appliances

Regularly clean filters on appliances, such as air conditioners and refrigerators, to ensure optimal performance. Proper maintenance can help reduce energy consumption and extend the lifespan of your appliances. By keeping them in good working order, you’ll avoid unnecessary repair costs and maximise their energy efficiency.

reduce electricity costs - Person with hand on lightswitch

10) Embrace Energy-Saving Habits

Developing energy-saving habits can go a long way in reducing electricity costs. Make it a habit to turn off lights and unplug devices when they are not in use. Encourage your family members to be mindful of their energy consumption by keeping doors and windows closed when using heating or cooling systems. Simple actions like these can add up to significant cost savings over time.

reduce electricity costs - Solar geyser on roof

11) Invest in Solar Heating

Heating water accounts for a sizeable portion of a typical household’s electricity consumption. Consider investing in a solar water heater to harness the power of the sun and heat your water efficiently. Solar water heaters are cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternatives to conventional geysers. They can provide ample hot water throughout the year, particularly during the warmer months, reducing your reliance on electric water heaters.

reduce electricity costs - Ups Power Supply Unit

12) Embrace Load Shedding Preparedness

With load shedding becoming a frequent occurrence in South Africa, being prepared can help you minimize its impact on your daily life and electricity costs. Invest in a reliable UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) or inverter system to keep essential appliances running during power outages. Virtual Sense offers a range of UPS systems and inverters that can ensure uninterrupted power supply during load shedding, allowing you to continue with your daily activities without disruption.

reduce electricity costs - Man tightening pipe with wrench

13) Use Heat Loss Prevention Techniques

During colder months, heat loss can contribute to increased heating costs. Insulate your home properly by sealing any gaps or cracks in windows, doors, and walls. Use draught stoppers to prevent chilly air from entering your living spaces. Consider adding insulation to your ceilings and walls, as it can significantly reduce heat loss and improve energy efficiency.

reduce electricity costs - Woman making food in kitchen

14) Consider Energy-Efficient Cooking Appliances

If you frequently cook meals that require long hours of simmering or slow cooking, consider investing in energy-efficient appliances like slow cookers or pressure cookers. These appliances are designed to use minimal energy while providing delicious and tender results. By opting for energy-efficient cooking methods, you can reduce your electricity consumption and save on cooking costs.

reduce electricity costs - Woman packing dishwasher

15) Optimize Dishwashing

When using a dishwasher, ensure that it is fully loaded before running a cycle. Running the dishwasher with partial loads wastes both water and electricity. If possible, air dry your dishes instead of using the dishwasher’s drying function. By following these simple steps, you can maximize the efficiency of your dishwasher and reduce energy usage.

Reducing electricity costs during South Africa’s energy crisis requires a combination of energy-efficient practices, renewable solutions, and mindful consumption habits. By implementing the strategies mentioned above, you can make a significant impact on your energy bills while contributing to a more sustainable future.

Remember, Virtual Sense is here to provide expert advice and offer high-quality solar batteries, solar systems, inverters, and UPS systems to help you navigate through the energy crisis. Take control of your electricity costs today by embracing energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions.



inverter for a solar system - Young man installing inverter for renewable energy
Inverter for a Solar System – Selecting the Right Size

Inverter for a Solar System – Selecting the Right Size 

In the midst of South Africa’s energy crisis, many households are turning to solar power as a reliable and sustainable solution. Solar panels play a crucial role in harnessing the sun’s energy, but to convert that energy into usable electricity, you need the right size inverter. In this article, we will walk you through the process of selecting the ideal inverter for your solar system, ensuring optimal performance and cost savings. With a focus on South Africa’s energy challenges, we’ll explore different types of inverters and provide valuable insights to help you make an informed decision. And remember, if you need further assistance, the experts at Virtual Sense are always ready to guide you towards the best solutions.

Understanding the Basics: What Does an Inverter Do?

Before we dive into the selection process, let’s understand the role of an inverter in a solar system. Solar panels produce DC electricity (direct current), which is not compatible with common household appliances that require AC electricity. An inverter is needed to convert the DC electricity from the solar panels into AC electricity that can be utilized to power homes. The inverter functions as a connector between the solar panels and the electrical system, ensuring a smooth transfer of power.

inverter for a solar system - Corner of a PV Panel with connector visible

Types of Inverters: Which One is Right for You?

String Inverters

String inverters are commonly used in residential solar installations. They are designed to handle the power output of multiple solar panels connected in series, known as a string. This type of inverter is cost-effective and efficient for standard installations. However, it’s important to note that the performance of the entire string is dependent on the weakest panel. String inverters are suitable for installations where panels are not significantly affected by shading or different orientations.

Micro – Inverters

Micro inverters are small inverters that are installed on each individual panel. Unlike string inverters, micro inverters optimize the energy output of each panel independently. This means that shading or different orientations have minimal impact on the overall system performance. Micro inverters are a great choice if your solar array experiences shading or if you have panels facing different directions. They offer flexibility and can maximize energy production.

Hybrid Inverters

Hybrid inverters combine the functions of a solar inverter with a battery inverter, allowing you to store excess power in a battery for later use. These inverters are an excellent option for homeowners looking to invest in solar energy storage systems. With a hybrid inverter, you can use the excess energy generated during the day to power your home during the evening or during load shedding periods. Hybrid inverters provide energy independence and are highly recommended for South Africans facing frequent power outages.

Grid Inverters

Grid inverters, also known as central inverters, are typically used in large-scale solar installations. They convert the DC electricity from multiple strings of panels into AC electricity that is fed into the electrical grid. Grid inverters are popular in commercial and utility-scale projects because of their high efficiency and cost-effectiveness. While they may not be the best choice for residential installations, it’s worth mentioning them for a comprehensive understanding of inverter types.

inverter for a solar system - Solar Farm


Choosing the Right Size Inverter

Now that you are familiar with the different types of inverters available, it’s time to determine the appropriate size for your solar system. Here are some key factors to consider:

Solar Array Capacity

Start by evaluating the capacity of your solar array. Calculate the combined wattage of all the solar panels in your system. This information will help you determine the power rating your inverter needs to handle.

Power Output Requirements

Consider your household’s power consumption and the specific appliances you wish to power with solar energy. Identify your essential loads and estimate their power requirements. This can be done by referring to your electricity bills or using a power meter to measure the energy consumption of each appliance. Make a list of the appliances and their corresponding power ratings to determine the total power output required from your inverter.

Sizing Considerations

When selecting an inverter, it’s essential to choose one with a power rating that matches or slightly exceeds your total power output requirements. Going for an inverter with a higher power rating allows for future expansion of your solar system and ensures that your inverter can handle peak power demands. However, keep in mind that selecting an oversized inverter can lead to inefficient operation and additional cost.

Considerations for South Africa’s Energy Crisis

Given the challenges of load shedding in South Africa, it’s crucial to consider the ability of your inverter to provide power during power outages. If you opt for a hybrid inverter, it should have the capability to operate in off-grid mode, allowing you to use the stored energy from your batteries during load shedding. This ensures that your essential loads remain powered even when the grid is down.

Efficiency and Quality

When selecting an inverter, pay attention to its efficiency rating. A higher efficiency rating means that the inverter can convert a larger percentage of the solar energy into usable electricity, resulting in higher overall system efficiency. Look for inverters with high efficiency ratings to maximize the energy output of your solar system and optimize cost savings.

Consider the quality and reputation of the inverter manufacturer, too. Look for reputable brands known for producing reliable and durable inverters. Investing in a high-quality inverter ensures longevity and reduces the likelihood of system failures or breakdowns, providing peace of mind and long-term savings.

Warranty and Support

Inverter warranties vary among manufacturers, so it’s important to review the warranty options offered. Look for inverters with comprehensive warranty coverage that includes both the inverter itself and the service provided. A longer warranty period shows the manufacturer’s confidence in the reliability of their product. Additionally, inquire about the availability of technical support and after-sales service, as prompt help can be crucial in case of any issues or maintenance requirements.

Consult with a Solar Installer

Selecting the right size inverter for your solar system can be a complex task. To ensure you make an informed decision, we recommend that you consult with a professional solar installer. They have the expertise and knowledge to assess your energy needs, recommend the appropriate inverter size, and provide guidance on the best solutions for your specific requirements.

Virtual Sense: Your Partner in Solar Solutions

As you embark on your journey to harness the power of solar energy, Virtual Sense is here to support you every step of the way. With a broad range of high-quality inverters, solar batteries, solar systems, and UPS systems, Virtual Sense offers advanced inverter options and the highest-quality solar products to meet your energy needs. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of solar installations and select the right solutions for your home.

Don’t let South Africa’s energy crisis deter you from embracing renewable energy. Take control of your electricity bills and contribute to a sustainable future by choosing the right size inverter for your solar system. Contact Virtual Sense today for expert advice and discover how our reliable and efficient solar solutions can transform your energy consumption and reduce your reliance on the grid. Together, let’s power a brighter and greener South Africa.


Inverter for Business - Electrician with Laptop Inspecting String of Inverter by Wifi To monitor Solar Plant
Key Factors to Consider When Choosing an Inverter for Business?

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing an Inverter for Business?

Diving into the world of solar power for your business? Your choice of an inverter is pivotal. And yet, it’s about as straightforward as teaching a kangaroo to salsa. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. In this guide, we’ll unravel the maze of considerations when choosing the right inverter, from types, to power output, to compatibility, and even monitoring platforms. Let’s turn the complex into the comprehensible, shall we?

Harnessing the sun’s energy to power our businesses, how elegantly sci-fi is that? It’s not only eco-friendly, it’s also practical and cost-effective. The pivot point? Solar inverters. Yet, they’re not all created equal. This guide will dive into the wide range of core considerations when selecting an inverter for business use.

What is the Purpose of a Solar Inverter?

Simply put, a solar inverter is a kind of solar solution that transforms the direct current (DC) output from solar panels into alternating current (AC), which then powers standard appliances. We’re talking air conditioners, washing machines, and the lot. For businesses, you’re looking at computers, servers, or the electronics your type of business relies on.

Decoding Types of Solar Inverters

When choosing a solar inverter for your business, it’s essential to know the different types of inverters available:

  1. String Inverters: A business with multiple solar panels might lean towards string inverters, as they allow panels to be grouped into ‘strings.’
  2. Central Inverters: Larger businesses with considerable power needs might opt for a central inverter that combines the functions of string inverters into a single unit.
  3. Micro – Inverters: These small devices are attached directly to individual solar panels, allowing each panel to work independently and optimize power supply.
  4. Hybrid Inverters: These are all-rounders, providing battery storage for excess power, which can be useful in power grid fluctuations.

inverter for business - Engineer doing Maintenance on Industry Solar Power


Top Considerations When Choosing Solar Inverters for Business

·        Solar Inverter Manufacturer’s Reputation

You’re not buying socks here. It’s a significant investment, so you want an inverter from a trusted solar inverter manufacturer. A manufacturer with a well-known reputation will probably offer reliable service and quality products. If you choose a manufacturer with a wide selection, you’re more likely to find the perfect inverter for your business needs.

·        Power Supply and Inverter Capacity

Consider the power electronics of your business. Your inverter should comfortably handle your business’ electrical power requirements. It’s not just about meeting your energy needs on bright, sunny days. You also need to ensure there’s enough backup power on less sunny days or during electrical grid power outages.

·        Efficiency and Solar Power Output

Efficiency is the key word in renewable energy. Your inverter should effectively convert solar power into usable energy with minimal loss. Check the efficiency rating of the inverter, as well as the maximum power level it can handle. It should be consistent in delivering the power output necessary for your business operations.

inverter for business - Two men on roof installing PV Panel


·        Compatibility with Solar Panels

Remember, your inverter and solar panels are the dynamic duo of your solar power generation system. They should work well together. Compatibility means more effective power conversion, better energy bills at the end of the month, and a smoother renewable energy experience overall.

·        Warranty and Service Network

Like any significant investment, check the warranty offered by the solar inverter manufacturer. You also need to ensure that the manufacturer has a strong service network. This way, any problems can be quickly addressed, ensuring minimal disruption to your business.

·        Monitoring Platform

Does the inverter come with a monitoring platform? Such a platform allows you to track energy generation, monitor the system’s health, and detect any problems early. It’s like a regular health check-up for your solar system.

·        Additional Features

Consider inverters with features like dual or multiple MPPTs (Maximum Power Point Trackers) for more significant efficiency. Some modern inverters offer advanced features, like reactive power control or export power control, which provide more flexibility and control over your power supply.

·        Inverter Cost

While it might be tempting to go for the most cost-effective option, remember that price often reflects quality. A high-quality inverter may cost more upfront but can save you money in the long run through higher efficiency and durability. Commercial inverters, for example, can be more pricey, but they are designed to handle higher loads for longer periods.

·        Certifications

Lastly, ensure that the inverter has all the necessary certifications, meeting the electrical safety and operational standards set by the industry. Safety first, right?

Choosing an inverter for business requires thorough consideration of various factors. But the bottom line is that a suitable inverter should meet your power needs, be efficient, reliable, and provide value for money. With these factors in mind, your business is one step closer to reaping the benefits of solar energy.

Looking for a standout product to support your business power needs? Talk to the experts in the energy storage market at Virtual Sense today. Whether you need battery storage systems or popular inverters and solar power products, we’ve got you covered. Let us help you with your solar inverter setup today.


Man on roof Installing Solar Panels
Installing Solar Panels – Does Roof Direction Matter?

Installing Solar Panels – Does Roof Direction Matter?

When it comes to powering your home or business, it’s time we looked up. Literally, to the sky!

Sunshine is not just good for those epic Cape Town beach days; it’s also a fantastic source of clean, renewable energy. The power of the sun can be harnessed using solar panels, and it’s changing the game in electricity costs for homeowners and businesses in South Africa. So, let’s answer the burning question (pun totally intended) – does the direction of your roof matter when installing solar panels?

Why Are We Talking About Solar Power and Solar Panels?

In light of the mounting challenges within South Africa’s power landscape – surging load shedding levels, all-too-frequent power failures, and the ever-present spectre of a total grid shutdown, it’s hard not to feel somewhat powerless. But what if you could take control?

This is where solar power enters the conversation, offering an empowering and practical solution. By equipping your home or business with solar panels, you gain the ability to produce your own power, quite literally taking the sun’s energy and turning it into electricity. Your power generation is no longer tied to the fluctuating state of the national grid.

Furthermore, with the integration of a battery backup system and solar power inverter, any excess power generated during the day can be stored for usage during night-time hours or cloudy periods. It’s more than just an investment; it’s a bold step towards energy autonomy, potentially buffering South Africans against the worst effects of load shedding and, in the longer term, the catastrophic implications of a grid collapse.

Does Roof Direction Really Matter?

If you’ve ever thought about harnessing the power of the sun, you’ve probably asked yourself, “Does my roof direction matter when installing solar panels?” The answer is a resounding yes. Much like sunflowers follow the sun’s path, your solar panels need to do the same for optimal sunlight exposure. In South Africa, that magic direction is north.

Why north, you ask? The sun makes its grand journey across our sky from east to west, reaching its zenith up north around midday. Panels on a north-facing roof can bask in the sunlight throughout the day, giving you the maximum power output. East-facing roofs get more sun in the morning, while west-facing ones enjoy it in the afternoon and evening. They will still generate electricity, but not quite as much as their north-facing counterparts.

For business owners who often have a large array size and big power needs, the type of roof and its direction will matter more. Flat or low-slope roofs give you more flexibility. Expert solar panel installers can help you find a way to use every inch of space you have to generate as much power as possible, even if that means ground mount racks.

Two men on roof Installing Solar Panels


What If I Have a Flat Roof?

If you have a flat roof, you’re in luck! You’ve got the flexibility to install your solar array facing any direction. You can angle your panels to get the best possible exposure to the sun. However, do watch out for any obstacles like neighbouring buildings or trees that could cast a shadow over your sun-catching game. There might be slightly higher installation costs due to the need for frames and supporting structures, but it’s a small price to pay for the long-term benefits.

What if My Roof Faces South?

Now, if your roof faces south, don’t despair. Although it’s not the optimal direction due to limited direct sunlight, with the right solar panel installation process, you can still benefit from solar electricity. Innovative technologies like adjustable mountings and efficient photovoltaic panels can help optimise the power you generate.

How Can Solar Panels Affect My Electricity Bills?

In the era of escalating electricity costs, going solar in South Africa is a smart move. When you install solar power, you no longer have to depend on power from the Eskom electricity grid to keep your home or business switched on. This can help to significantly reduce your monthly electricity bills. For businesses, this cost can be massive, so these savings will be a big win. And if your system is generating excess electricity, you might be able to sell it back to the grid (depending on your grid-tied systems and local regulations).

Are Solar Panels Difficult to Maintain?

Solar panels require surprisingly little maintenance. Regular maintenance checks can keep them running smoothly, and they don’t have moving parts, so there’s less risk of something breaking. You’ll need to keep them relatively clean and free of debris, and some panels might need an occasional professional check-up, but beyond that, they’re pretty self-sufficient.

Man on roof with radio Installing Solar Panels

How Can Solar Panels Help My Business?

Business owners in South Africa are jumping on the solar bandwagon for good reason. With the constant power outages and increasing electricity costs, solar power offers a sustainable and more predictable alternative. Aside from the savings you can get using the system, it also helps keep your business running without unnecessary interruptions every time load shedding kicks in. It can even help reduce your business’s carbon footprint – a factor that’s becoming increasingly important for consumers.

Is Solar Power a Good Option in South Africa?

South Africa is a prime location for solar power, thanks to our generous amounts of sunshine. In fact, South Africa is considered one of the best places in the World to get solar, since we have an average of 2,500 sunshine hours each year! Compare that to the dismal 1,403 the UK gets, and you begin to see why. With a solar inverter, battery backup, and a solar array, you can keep your lights on and your electric appliances running even when load shedding strikes.

What Should I Consider in Terms of Installation Costs?

The upfront costs of solar panel installation can be a deterrent for some. However, the long-term savings on your electricity bills and the positive impact on your carbon footprint make it a worthwhile investment. Plus, as demand grows and technology advances, the costs of solar equipment, including solar inverters and solar batteries, are steadily decreasing.

Wrapping Up

To sum it all up, the direction of your roof does indeed matter when it comes to installing solar panels. But with the right expertise and setup, any rooftop can become a solar power station, putting a dent in your electricity costs and reducing your carbon footprint. Going solar in South Africa is a bright idea, whether you’re a homeowner or a business. Embrace the power of the sun and light up your life, one solar panel at a time.

Are you ready to join the solar revolution? Reach out to our team at Virtual Sense for a chat about how solar power can benefit your home or business. We’re here to make your transition to solar as seamless and straightforward as possible. Let’s harness the power of the sun together!


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VSP specializes in Lightning/Surge Protection and alternative power systems. The company offers state of the art technologies and services and is generally considered as a leader in its field. VSP is uniquely positioned in a country where 80% of electronic malfunctions arise from power surges.

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