Power InvertersSolar

The time has come for South Africans to think out of the box. South Africa’s unstable power supply is affecting every aspect of our lives. Alternative power solutions could help.

Why Investing in Alternative Power Solutions is Necessary

South Africans face a future of unstable grid power. Debilitating power outages damage electronic devices. An unstable grid also plays havoc on the daily lives of South Africans. It’s time to consider alternative power solutions.

Now, more than ever, we need a stable and dependable delivery of power. There are many alternative solutions to tackle the problem. The initial costs for South African homeowners might seem high, but in the long-term the savings are huge.

Different Options to Keep the Lights on and Utility Costs Down

South Africans are facing a bleak future as far as keeping the lights on. We need to take charge and invest in alternative power solutions. Some solutions include wind turbines, hydroelectricity, and inverters.

Other options include solar panels and solar heating. These are a few of the many on offer. Investing in some of these is a costly affair. For many, it is not only unaffordable but impractical. Thankfully, some of these are cost-effective alternative power solutions that can help reduce electricity costs.

4 of the Most Common Alternative Power Solutions

When choosing alternative power sources, you must factor in the size system you need and what your system will run. Calculate the power consumption and see the power each electrical device consumes. The average home in South Africa uses about 900kWh of electricity per month, according to Eskom.

UPS systems, inverters, solar panels, and standby generators are all good options. They are affordable and easy to maintain. You can reduce your carbon footprint and meet your power requirements with these alternative energy sources.

1. UPS Systems

You can choose from a wide range of UPS systems. These include the plug-in variety, or you can opt for the grid installed variety. Grid-installed UPS systems need professional installation by a certified electrician. 

UPS systems range from 1000VA to 20kA single phase. It’s a choice. Inverters are excellent for when the power goes out.

2. Inverters as an Alternative Power Source

Inverter Systems are like UPS Systems. Both store power in batteries. Electricity is available for a wide range of electrical devices when the power goes down.

All UPS systems contain an inverter and a battery charger, but not all inverter systems have a built-in battery charger. A UPS system responds faster when the power goes out. Switch-over time for an inverter is slower than an online UPS system.

3. Rooftop Solar Panels Provide Alternative Energy

Use rooftop solar panels to feed your inverter. The function of solar panels is to convert sunlight into electricity. You can buy a solar light with a solar panel for areas on the outside of your property.

You can combine units to create 260 to 300 kilo-watt systems that can power businesses. The 2 basic systems are a power storage supported and unsupported system. Most solar suppliers install unsupported systems.

The solar system provides power to an inverter. This converts the power into 220 AC and more. We then directed the power into a building for power. The panels stop producing power on cloudy days or at night, so your structure reverts to power usage from the grid at these times.

Off-grid solar power cannot fall back on electricity from an energy carrier like Eskom. For this reason, people often include a battery bank in their solar energy system that can store extra electrical energy that the panels have produced for use at a later time.

4. Standby Generators

You can choose your standby generator from a wide range of shapes and sizes. They all generate power when the power goes down and are not grid solutions, so they are not dependent on Eskom as a source of energy at all.

You can switch your generator over manually or automatically when the power goes out. Standby generators are especially useful when the power goes out for long periods.

You can use generators in commercial, industrial, or residential applications as reliable alternate energy solutions. Be aware that they usually need to be fuelled by diesel or petrol, so this may be an added cost to consider.

Benefits of Alternative Power Sources

1. Reduced Costs

One of the obvious benefits of alternative energy is the huge saving on electricity costs. This is one of the long-term benefits for the average South African household. At first, it may take more investment, but over a longer period, these alternative power options will earn their keep. Many alternative power suppliers include financing options for those who need it.

2. Good for the World

Alternative energy positively affects the natural environment and positively affects socio-economic environments.

3. Sustainable & Lower Carbon Footprint

Alternative energy reduces greenhouse gas emissions. There is less strain on Eskom when we make use of alternative energy resources.

4. Reduce Pollution

Reduced fossil fuels improve the general health of all. Less pollution from non-renewable energy offers a healthier environment.

5. Increase Property Value

Properties with solar systems installed are worth more. You can increase the value of your property with an alternative power installation.

Get to Know More About Alternative Power Solutions with Virtual Sense

Alternative power solutions are environmentally friendly options we should all consider. The time is now to reduce greenhouse emissions while saving money in the long-term. Get quotes today and reduce your electricity bills. Our range of efficient equipment helps keep the lights on in South African households.

Contact Virtual Sense today and find out everything you need to know about alternative energy solutions for your specific needs. Alternative energy is a worthwhile investment. Get the answers you need and enhance the value of your property.

Virtual Sense Power supplies inverters, batteries and solar panels in the following areas - Helderberg, Somerset West, Stand and Gordons Bay